A good friend from the east (not Carnac for those of you who still remember the Johnny Carson show) e-mailed me today asking "R U Ok?" because I hadn't made any recent entries on the either of my blogs. Aside from being moved by her caring (I am most lucky in my friendships), it was rather interesting to see how I could flag a modification in my behavior patterns simply by not showing up in these pages. It was kind of a wow. Ok I am, but preoccupied, by events and tasks. So there WAS something going on, but happily it isn't anything untoward or problematic. And, most importantly, I, like the ladies and gentlemen who turn over their door dolphins, the Djinn from the Bronx is alive and well.
Some of the things that have taken me away from my three readers (and if you are all who ever read it, I am delighted nonetheless!) include unusual domestic chores, like trying to sell my dad's condo, whilst working and communing with my real estate agents. (because using office resources is not appropriate, I run to Kinko's on breaks to fax during the day, as necessary and where calling is necessary use my cell), those lovely nearly weekly visits to the Hollywood Bowl, a visit by the nearly adult daughter of a friend, she also from the east, some family issues (one of the former aforesaid residents of the senior apartments who happens to be an aunt has required the help of my cousin, she also from the east, and me), and the occasional late night call from friends that invigorate, but cause me to forget the idea of blogging. Finally, I reconnected with my very first friend, via Facebook and we have been exchanging stories and photos by e-mail, and seeing her face after so many years (which in my mind was still that of a kid; I last saw her in passing, actually, in the early 1970s), brought back so many memories, I have been swimming happily in the past. Life has been consuming me. And boy is that a lucky thing.
It is late as I write. Trouble sleeping has plagued me more and more of late. Some of it can be attributed to the fact that my miind never really stops going, a friend describes her experience of something like it as "monkeys in the head". And tonight, I was particularly frustrated by my own stupidity in trying to fix something on my computer to achieve a particular end, and messing it up royally, wasting some three hours and failing to find a meaningful fix. I found a temporary one, or more to the point, I found another way of doing what I needed to do and I am ignoring the actual problem until I can't anymore. I love logical solutions like that!
I wish I had the time, and the patience to give this blog the kind of attention I'd like, but I think it is all right just to muddle along, and some stories get told, and I enjoy the effort when I make it, and I hope the odd reader, meaning the occasional, not peculiar. . . enjoys it though it is often sporadic and rambly, as tonight's.
Exhaustion beckons, if not sleep so I shall now board my magic carpet bidding you, "adieu".