So, just after a call from an old friend having more terrible troubles in every arena of her/his life, I went onto AOL to see what is what and hope for, silly me, happier news. And there, peering through binoculars at a table, surrounded by his retinue, was Kim Jong Un, friend of Dennis Rodman engaging in what did the article say in the Huffington Post, "bellicose rhetoric." He is threatening air strikes against the U.S in response to the U.S. presence this week of B-52s with nuclear capability in his, and I do mean, his alone (in his own mind) air space. Now, I know, maybe about half the country blames the U.S. for any concern about this dictator developing nuclear force. Or pooh pooh's it. Surely, Kim wouldn't USE it to start a war? No one is that crazy?
Remember Hitler? He only wanted Poland. And the smart politicians of the day thought that would be enough. This is merely a preamble, for I know the objections and counter objections that the liberal and conservative (my inclination) would lob at one another and that is not precisely how John Lennon got into all this, although he'd be on the liberal side of this debate, probably more distinctly left f it.
No, the quick thought I had as I looked at the AOL snap was of the song "Imagine", by Mr. Lennon, whose musical abilities I admired enormously. I even like the song. I have found myself singing along in the car until I realize that I don't buy a word of it.
According to the song, which has become a kind of anthem to many, without religion, the world would be a much better place. We'd would not covet and war.
Correct me, if I am wrong, but Kim Jung Un presides over an atheistic country and society. He is absolute ruler and tyrant of that place and if he had nuclear weapons, he'd lob 'em freely. He would not have the kind of conscience that afflicted Truman and company when they used ours to ST\OP a war, and being the only ones with that horrible weapon, DID NOT use it to take over the world (as we are so often pictured trying to do), but rather sought to help to rebuild the war destroyed places of the former enemy.
So, imagine, if you would if Hitler had the bomb before we did. Or imagine Kim if he did.
Yes, lots of things were done horribly in the name of religion, by humans who took the name of religion in vain, abominating its ideals. But take away the ideals and there is nothing, no structure of mind, or philosophy, to stop a single man or woman with power from TAKING it all, and damn the destruction.
Quick thoughts on a Good Friday. More to come perhaps, I hope, of a more hopeful nature.