Saw that line on the store front of some mid LA insurance company. Given personal events today, something about that promise really got under my skin as I drove home, somebody tailgating me who has rights, but no responsibility. Because if it were me with no license, there dern well WOULD be a problem. But there are two universes. The one where people who follow rules are held to them, and the one where those who don't follow them, aren't. And it has really gotten worse than that. The ones who don't follow them; they're putting the rest of us in straightjackets with even more rules they won't follow but they don't have to. Think Al Gore's wish that your carbon footprint be limited, while his house is congenially expending many a kilowatt. Think Obama taking a romantic trip to NY with his wife at public expense and wonder what would have happened if W did it during his term.
Who was it that said that the first casualty is truth? Not merely a casualty, but after its demise , cut into bloody little pieces, as a reminder to anyone who might want to utter some defense of it.
It was a nice little experiment, Democracy, but those with endless agendas and power will soon end it. We'll need a modern version of Rick Blaine to get us exit visas, but to where? There will be no where where we won't be enslaved. Imagine. And no religion too, the people sing, hypnotized by well spoken lies. Peace? Is that what you think it will be? I suppose there is a form of peace in slavery. Goodnight, Citizens.
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