Thursday, November 11, 2010

Split Second Intimation

Veteran's Day. I woke up late, delighted at not having to go to work. Getting dressed for a rare Daily Mass I watched the story of a "revert" to Catholicism on EWTN. It occurred to me that at her worst she was more faithful than I have ever been and then I was off for the Grace of the Eucharist.

After Mass I went to the Grove for a couple of slices reading The National Catholic Register after the TV Guide. Then I made my second visit to Dad in the month at Holy Cross. I was chatting my fragmented thoughts to him when I suddenly saw the reflection of another visitor around the corner; embarrassed I quieted. Luckily I had ventured no untold secrets in that one sided conversation.

On the way home, I stopped at a favorite, Target, to get combined items, food and clothes and a DVD and thus avoid regular grocery shopping. As my wagon and me trekked back to my car, I took in that amazing scent of cooking candy from See's just down the block. I breathed deeply the chocolate tinged air looking slightly up as a bird, probably a pigeon, but with his wings spread surprisingly majestic swooped just above me. And for what could have been no more than a split second, I felt absolutely at peace. Pure contentment that seemed an intimation or paradise. No want. No ego. No need. Just safe stillness. God maybe? I don't know but I craved it as it slipped away. I opened my bottled coke and drove back home to write about an ordinary day.

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