Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday's Tune

As my large white cat attacks the Hollywood Bowl schedule with his front paws, I stop to consider the idea of a secular withdrawal from the world, which if I were to get very lucky, and touched by an enormous wad of Divine Grace (that's what it would take) would lead me into some form of religious monastic lifestyle. I wonder if I could bring my cats?

Note to KC if you happen to read this----I am NOT depressed. Been there, done that. But not now. This is something else. . . .well, time finally to figure where I fit in before it's too late stuff.

Perhaps it is the result of finally selling my dad's condo--what a late education I have gotten in the world of real property! About to give the keys to a stranger, through his realtor, also a stranger, I close the door, literally and figuratively, on my father's passing, and leave his life, and thus part of mine. A little twinge twist in my chest accompanies my writing this.

Simplicity. That's it. No debates, professional or private. I intrude on no one's thoughts or opinions. They do not intrude on mine. Then I begin to see that proverbial "big picture" and I walk toward it and become part of it, leaving behind all things that buzz technological, and the babel that is generated by our societal self obsession, to which, alas I contribute, frequently in likely misperceived self-defense.

You have no idea what I am talking about. That's ok. No need. Maybe I'd continue with the Legacy blog about my dad. But all else would fade into unimportance.

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