Wednesday, January 13, 2010

An Avatar Analysis

One of the definitions of an "avatar" is an "entity in human form". This interests me because one of the definitions or descriptions of "djinns" are creatures, more than human, but less than divine, which also take human form, often changelings, left in place of human children. I am a djinn in name only, I am glad to say, a gift of poetry from my parents. But the young man played by Sam Worthington of the movie of that name, "Avatar" steps into a body created by the DNA of human and Navi (the natives of the planet which has valuable minerals human beings want to mine), in some fashion that isn't quite explained, and learning the stories of their people (and of course falling in love) he becomes truly one of them, and fights for them against the corporate and military complex.

That aspect of the movie, the BAD BAD military and corporate hack and their minions against the pure people with their Tree of Souls--was typical of the political propaganda of the day, of my friends of the left. Life is so much more complex than secular religion allows for--but still much in the movie speaks to a greater, mythic consciousness, that it should not be discarded by ideologues on the right, who, I understand have had their critique of the film. And while God, that is the Supreme Creator of the World, is not acknowledged in favor of an Earth Mother of which all beings are a a part (the reason I completely understand, the Vatican had a problem with this film), I could take the latter and for myself make the Creator the umbrella of it all, that is, the idea of souls on earth and elsewhere (heaven for me) being interrconnected, and in a sense, intermediary for the living. But for me, God is the center of this all. He is "I AM". And while the film is correct that there ARE things more important than making money and garnering power, it is not because of Mother Earth, per se. Human beings trend toward religious thinking, even if god is remade into nature. Yes, as the caretakers of this planet, we have both dominion and obligation, but it is that which was given to us, by the Prime Mover. Where does earth otherwise garner her power?

My friend known as "momwards" on line instant mailed me that she wished she was sitting at the Tree of Souls in and during the movie. I am blessed in my faith, for in sitting before the Tabernacle, before the God of our Fathers, who saved all souls, I am with all who came before and who will come after me.

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