My former upstairs neighbor, Holly, is a talented floral arranger. She does parties, and weddings and all sorts of fancy dos. She got her start in this very place I live, and I see from the web that she is doing well. She should. You can see her website at hollyflora.com. When she lived upstairs, with her new husband Josh, her two cats, Parker, and Dreyfus (both of whom I have mentioned in my blog about Elwood, the Neurotic Cat) spent much of their time outside. Well, Parker did, first, and then Dreyfus, who was a bit of a porker, came outside. And once outside lost so much weight that she was nearly indistinguishable from her sister. Nearly, except for her extreme white whiskers against her pure black body. Both were friendly, but Parker, especially so, always wending over for a long pet and sounding the sweetest meow. I came to think of her, and Dreyfus as mine, just as much as the forlorn Elwood, who had become mine by default.
And then Elwood and I lost Parker and Dreyfus to Holly's happy move to a new home, not far from me, but with life and schedules, far enough away that I did not see her, or them.
Once before I brought mail from those senders who do not know about the move. That time Holly was there and Josh was tinkering in the garage. But this morning,when I came, no one appeared to be home. I hid the mail in what I think was a safe place and then off a chair on the little porch came one familiar black cat. Parker came right up to me. I like to think it was not merely her natural friendliness but recogition. I picked her up and I was sure of it.She was happily ensconsced in my arms. But I was in a rush, so I figured I'd come back later to see if the family were home and got the mail. And of course, make a second visit to Parker.
I came back after my several hour errand and they still were not there. I did not see Parker immediately and then she popped out and seemed even more interested in me than earlier. I picked her up again and whispered into her ear and did what I used to-- rock her back and forth, with intermittent pets. She showed no interest in leaving my grasp as so often cats will do. But I could not just stand there endlessly having not found her human companions at home, again, and so I put her down and began to walk to my car. She followed me persistently. I picked her up and looked for a hose to put fresh water in her bowl, to distract her, mostly. But that did not do it. And she followed me again, to my "no Parker" and then she stopped as I went into the street, waving her tail, still high and inviting. I did not see Dreyfus today, and I felt and feel worried. I have e mailed my friends to hear that she too is doing well. But man, I miss them both when I come home from work, squeaking for affection, and of course, food. I wish everyone were still here. But at least I have a picture, or two and can share one of Parker, with you.
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